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Performance Inspection Services is an industry leader when it comes to technology and customization. Specialization is our strength. We serve our clients proactively to understand and fulfill their needs through a diverse range of products and services.

Telephone Inspections/Surveys

Clients are contacted and interviewed by our highly-trained and friendly staff. Customized inspection forms are accurately completed in a simple, easy-to-review format. Narrative sections are also completed to fully portray the risk being surveyed. Details of each contact are automatically recorded to limit the amount of non-compliance and turn backs.


Unbiased verification keeps your programs pure. You expect your policyholders to fit your programs without any “undisclosed” or “overlooked” exposures. Our Inspections Team will help keep your programs’ underwriting as you intended it.


68% of the policyholders we audit result in additional premiums. That number speaks for itself.


Our audits and inspections provide the information the insurance company wants in order to keep your programs in compliance. At Performance Inspection, we work as a team to give you the information they need quickly.

Verified Telephone Audits

Company principles or accounting staff are required to verify the prior year’s exposure. They will be required to produce back up documentation to substantiate their claim of exposure. This information is quickly communicated to you for policy reconciliation.

Online Ordering and Web-Based Retrieval of All Reports

Our dedicated servers allow for reliable ordering, viewing and retrieval of all of our services anywhere you have internet access. Staff members are issued unique pass codes to access information. All information is available in “real time” so you have the most accurate information available.

Contact us today to get started!